martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

18/11/14 - El tren de la memoria

It is a documentary about the people that had to emigrate to other countries to survive. There are a lot of cases and people and the talk about their experiences.

"El tren de la memoria" is about the train that 2 millions of Spaniards took to go to Europe in the 60's and 70's, to improve their economical situation. They went there without knowing the language (even the 80% were illiterate), without knowing anyone or knowing how they would be in the future.

Most of this people had never left their village and seen cities as big and beautyfull as those. They were stranges in a place strange for them, and the had never had the opportunity to integrate in the socity, economy or culture of those cities.

This situation happened in Spain 40 years ago, but noadays it is being repeated in a lot of countries: the foreigner people that enter in a country and they are treated really bad, as if they weren't humans. They do the worst jobs for a little amount of money, with no contract and live in really bad conditions.

This happened 40 years ago to Spanish people that were exploit in the 1968's Germany and it is being repeated now on Spain to people that come here looking for a job.

We should think about this situation, and ask to the people that moved to differents parts of Europe if they liked how they were treated in those countries, and then think about the emigrants that live here and how we are treating them.

12/11/14 - Religion Mindmap

11/11/14 - Religion and State. Secularism



  • Catholics are the 75% of the total inhabitants, but only 20% are practicing, the 55% rest are non-pcticing.
  • No faith are the 20% of the population
  • Muslims are the second largest religion (3% of the total population).
  • Other faiths supose the 2% ( Judaism, Jenovah witness...).
  • Protestant and evangelical catholics supose 1% of total population.
  • Culture: Spain is a secular society ( for example, gay marriage is legalized).

  • Islam is the second largest religious group in Spain: 1 732 191 muslims live in Spain.
  • 59,1% are muslims descendents born in Spain.
  • 37.4% are muslims nationalized as Spanish.
  • 1.4% are natural Spanish people.
  • Most muslim people live in Cataluña, Andalucía, Madrid and Comunidad Valenciana.

  • There is huge diversity of religions
  • Hinduism and Bahai are minorities.
  • First largest religion is protestant Cristianism
  • Second largest religion is Islam.
  • Judism and Buddhism are majority religions.

  • Influences of religious in non- religious countries: calendar, holidays...

  • Discrimination against atheist people: in order to look for a job, being married, voting in elections...
  • Forbiding atheist of public charges.
  • Protests against discrimination of homosexual, transexual people.

  • In some places if you are against this act you can get arrested.
  • In Spain there has been a lot of protest against it.

5/11/14 - Baztarrika

3. Where the basque language is talk? Give percentages.
People usually talk basque in the Basque Autonomous Community, Navarre and 
the three "ancient provinces" in France.
The Baque Autonomous Community carries the greatest demographic weight, because 75% of the Basque Country's citizens and 82% of the Basque speakers live there.

16. Explain th bilingual education models.
There're three models:
  1.  The model A, teaching is mainly carried out in Spanish, with Basque as an individual subject.
  2. In the B model, some subjects are taught in Basque and some in Spanish, is half-half
  3.  In the D model, teaching is carried out in Basque, with Spanish as an individual subject.
23. Define characteristics about the linguistic policy.
Firts the linguistic policy aims to normalise the use of Baque.
Then all of this demands posituve action to support the weakest.
A linguistic policy must warrant the complete respect of the public.
And finally among other things, the cornerstones of the linguistic policy are progressiveness, flexibility and taking account of socio-linguistic diversity.

And for the Kottak paragraph the question is:
 When the Basque Country appeared? This phenomen continue?
It started from the Paleolithic times through the Bronze Age (about 3000 years ago). And nowadays the use of the Basque is increasing through other areas.

4/11/14 - The Basque people

    1. Who was Orson Welles?
    George Orson Welles was born the 6th of May of 1915, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He was an American actor, director, writer and producer who worked in theater, radio and film. 

    He is best remembered for his innovative work in all three media: in theatre, most notably Caesar (1937), a groundbreaking Broadway adaptation of Julius Caesar; in radio, the 1938 broadcast "The War of the Worlds", one of the most famous in the history of radio; and in filmCitizen Kane (1941), consistently ranked as one of the all-time greatest films.
      2. Note main ideas described in documentary related to the basques:
      • The Basques tought that Adan and Eva were Basques. For them, to speak Spanish was a treachery but foreing people or Spanish people tought that their language was very strange.
      • The biggest industry was the smuggling. They also used to hunt pigeons with a tactic that nowadays is alive in a village called Etxalar. Is a tactic where you hunt the pigeon with some traps.
      • There had been a big change there, which is that young men went to America to worked like shipherds because there was work.
      •  In the video we can see a case, he is a man who went at first like shipherd, then he started like truck driver and later on, he bought his own sheeps.He explains in the video that at first is very difficult because you have to learn the language and you have not free time because you are always caring the sheeps.
      • This man came back to live there, in the village,  with his family and then he got married with a girl from there. 

        3. Develop in depth two of them. Provide a critic view from your standpoint such as: basque, non-basque, other...
        The Basque language:
        In my opinion, as a person who has been studying basque for 12 years, Basque language is undervalued. 
        I think that we are loosing a really interesting language (because we don't really know where it come from), which, as my mum says, is the languge of our ancestors. 
        After the Francos' dictatorship the number of Basque speakers was reduced, and also with the ETA movement it was bad-seing, so people wasn't interested in learning it.
        Thankfully this has changed, now in nearly of the schools of Navarre you have te option of study Basque, it is being promoted.
        In my opinion people connect the Basque language with the terrorism, and ther is still people that think that all Basques are terrorists. I think this is really sad, because they are estereotyping. Things have changed and I my opinion it that Basque language is as acceptable as French, English or Catalan.
        We should promote the Basque learning because it is part of our culture and we can't loose it.

        4/11/14 - Language and Communication Mindmap

        martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

        29/10/14 - Working groups - INTERVIEW

        28/10/14 - Intersectionality: Ableism and Privilege

        1. Brief definition on concepts as: 

        • Intersectionality: is a concept often used in critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another.
        •  Ableism: discrimination against disabled or handicapped people.
        •  Privilege: A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, class, or caste.
        • Oppression: the act of subjugating by cruelty, force, etc or the state of being subjugated in this way or the condition of being afflicted or tormented.
        • Discrimination: unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice.

         2. Adapt source 2 for Spanish context.
        I would change the part of "Country" and divide it in the counties of Spain, being the top one the counties of the North (besause the life style is much better) and the bottom ones the counties of the South of Spain.

        I would change the parts of Sex and Orentation, giving to the men and women the same points, because in Spain there is  lot of equety. And in the orentation I would put it in this orther: Straight, Gay, Bisexual and Axesual; giving to the first two the same points. Now Spain is being very tolerant with the homosexual marriage, this is a huge progress.

        I would change the part of religion, being Christian the top one, because in Spain is the main religion.

        I would leave the rest as they are.

         3. Analize subjects appearing in sources (1,2,3) in relation to today session's subject. 
        This sources show that your race, religion, sexual orentation... influences a lot in your dairy life. That there are a lot of discrimination against the people who are "different".

        4. Reflect on how privileged are you as a person and as a professional in the next future
        I've always thought how would my life be if I would have borned in anothe country. As a person I think I'm really privileged, because I've always had everything that I needed and wanted. Sometimes we don't really apreciate how privileges we are because we are too bussy finding something new to buy or a new goal to achieve. I've seen that rarely people is satisfied with what the have, and this is really sad, because we are not enjoying all the things we have.
        In relation with my future profession, I think I'm privileged too, because I've had the opprtunity of going to the university. I know that teaching isn't really well-seing, that a teacher doesn't earn a lot of money, but I think it is a wonderfull job, in whitch you get rewarded with more thing than money.

         5. How is my Working Group Presentation related to intersectionality? Brief conclusion
        Doing the interview I could see other realities, because not everyone is as priviledge as me. The have had to work  lot to arrive to where they are now. They have had to leave heir countries, family, friends...; to try to find a better place to live.
         Also I could see how some people are afected by the racism or homophobia. I don't see the point of not respecting everyone as they are, I couldn't imagine how they feel when people don't like you just because of where you are from or who you like.

        This must stop.

        23/10/14 - Intersex identities and the cultural construction of sex

        1.  What is intersexsuality? How common is it? Which is the answer or medical solution more used in this cases?  
        Intersexuality is when a person is borned with ambiguous sex, when it has no defined sexual organs, male or female, but has a mix of both.
        1 person out of 2000 is intersexual.
        The medical solution is to remove the genitals, like the clitoris. This is done in the first 15 months.
        2.     Why the majotiry of this people are resigned as girls? 
        Most of these people is resigned as girls because is easier to change the amorphous genitals in female people.
        3.      According to the explanation of the surgeon doctor, how the sex of a person is define?
        How it is first define is by looking at th genitals, but if there is an intersexual case they use other methods. Years ago they observed it with the microscope, but nowadays the analyse the hormones.
        4.     What does this doctor want to say with the affirmation of the definition of sex is a "cultural need"? 
        That nowadays society don't accept that a person can have both sex, you have to be or one thing or the other, not both. So sex is a cultural need in the way that people need to be define with one gender to be accepted.
        5.      What do the  intersexual activists suggest to the medical answer?
        They think that removing the genitals is like a mutilation, because they are taking away from that person a part of his/her body that is important to have sexual relationships.
        6.      What does one of the activist want to say when he says: Anyone of us fit in the stereotype".
        That nowadays the stereotype is being a girl or a boy, and they don't see themselve as any of them.