martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

23/10/14 - Intersex identities and the cultural construction of sex

1.  What is intersexsuality? How common is it? Which is the answer or medical solution more used in this cases?  
Intersexuality is when a person is borned with ambiguous sex, when it has no defined sexual organs, male or female, but has a mix of both.
1 person out of 2000 is intersexual.
The medical solution is to remove the genitals, like the clitoris. This is done in the first 15 months.
2.     Why the majotiry of this people are resigned as girls? 
Most of these people is resigned as girls because is easier to change the amorphous genitals in female people.
3.      According to the explanation of the surgeon doctor, how the sex of a person is define?
How it is first define is by looking at th genitals, but if there is an intersexual case they use other methods. Years ago they observed it with the microscope, but nowadays the analyse the hormones.
4.     What does this doctor want to say with the affirmation of the definition of sex is a "cultural need"? 
That nowadays society don't accept that a person can have both sex, you have to be or one thing or the other, not both. So sex is a cultural need in the way that people need to be define with one gender to be accepted.
5.      What do the  intersexual activists suggest to the medical answer?
They think that removing the genitals is like a mutilation, because they are taking away from that person a part of his/her body that is important to have sexual relationships.
6.      What does one of the activist want to say when he says: Anyone of us fit in the stereotype".
That nowadays the stereotype is being a girl or a boy, and they don't see themselve as any of them.

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