- Intersectionality: is a concept often used in critical theories to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, classism, etc.) are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another.
- Ableism: discrimination against disabled or handicapped people.
- Privilege: A special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, class, or caste.
- Oppression: the act of subjugating by cruelty, force, etc or the state of being subjugated in this way or the condition of being afflicted or tormented.
- Discrimination: unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice.
2. Adapt source 2 for Spanish context.
I would change the part of "Country" and divide it in the counties of Spain, being the top one the counties of the North (besause the life style is much better) and the bottom ones the counties of the South of Spain.
I would change the parts of Sex and Orentation, giving to the men and women the same points, because in Spain there is lot of equety. And in the orentation I would put it in this orther: Straight, Gay, Bisexual and Axesual; giving to the first two the same points. Now Spain is being very tolerant with the homosexual marriage, this is a huge progress.
I would change the part of religion, being Christian the top one, because in Spain is the main religion.
I would leave the rest as they are.
3. Analize subjects appearing in sources (1,2,3) in relation to today session's subject.
This sources show that your race, religion, sexual orentation... influences a lot in your dairy life. That there are a lot of discrimination against the people who are "different".
4. Reflect on how privileged are you as a person and as a professional in the next future
I've always thought how would my life be if I would have borned in anothe country. As a person I think I'm really privileged, because I've always had everything that I needed and wanted. Sometimes we don't really apreciate how privileges we are because we are too bussy finding something new to buy or a new goal to achieve. I've seen that rarely people is satisfied with what the have, and this is really sad, because we are not enjoying all the things we have.
In relation with my future profession, I think I'm privileged too, because I've had the opprtunity of going to the university. I know that teaching isn't really well-seing, that a teacher doesn't earn a lot of money, but I think it is a wonderfull job, in whitch you get rewarded with more thing than money.
5. How is my Working Group Presentation related to intersectionality? Brief conclusion
Doing the interview I could see other realities, because not everyone is as priviledge as me. The have had to work lot to arrive to where they are now. They have had to leave heir countries, family, friends...; to try to find a better place to live.
Also I could see how some people are afected by the racism or homophobia. I don't see the point of not respecting everyone as they are, I couldn't imagine how they feel when people don't like you just because of where you are from or who you like.
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